ࡱ> :=9U bjbjnn |"aa ~~,:HhNNNNN===$fT=====NN="NN=Nxx_ 0Hi^==========H=============~B :  ACE October News Letter Academic and Creative Enrichment Program Where student solve problems together! A Word from Mrs. Arrington: Dear Parents and family members, Welcome to ACE, our Richmond County Gifted and Talented Program. The purpose of this newsletter is to establish better communication between our classroom and home. In the past, students only received feedback twice a year, at our December break and the end of the year. This newsletter will hopefully add some extra and productive information for parents and family members. It will contain import dates, deadlines and upcoming activities for our gifted classroom. Grade Level Units: As we begin our curriculums, this is what the students will be engaged in for the first few weeks in gifted studies: 1st Grade: We are discovering ourselves through a unit entitled Exploring Diversity Around the World In this unit, students will experience a logical sequence of activities designed to increase their ability to recognize and accept cultural similarities and differences. Using our Passports, we will be traveling around the world. 2nd Grade: Poetry was our starting unit for 2nd grade. We will be creating a poetry book of several different types of poems using figurative language and different writing styles. Find out from your student what an Acrostic or Couplet poem is and have them write one about you. 3rd Grade: We started with Proverbs and Fables. In this unit students studied proverbs, their figurative meaning, the history of fables, their characteristics, and applied the information in their own original fables. 4th Grade: The Case of the Missing Lunchbox will be our culminating activity in our Forensic Science unit. Watch what you touch, they will lift your print and find you guilty of the crime. 5th Grade: Its all about dominate and recessive genes in the 5th grade as we studied Genetics. Students created a genetically engineered dog, and are working on creating a brochure about a genetic disorder of their choice to report on. We are just having fun finding out how things go together. Dates and Deadlines: October 14th Holiday Teachers and Students are out of school. October 15th Student Holiday Teacher Professional Learning Day October 16th-17th Early Release / Parent Conferences October 24th - Math is Not Spooky night 5:30-7:30pm Thanks, Mrs. Arrington Wish List for Gifted 1st grade wax paper, baby wipes, core of toilet paper rolls 4th grade: balloons (all sizes), large make-up brushes, baby wipes, tape 2nd grade clean trash (empty cereal boxes, washed out water/soda bottles etc) 3rd grade paper towels, scotch tape 5th grade: All size batteries for our electrical unit   ACHhiklV W & - x ymbZObObODOhMGh\pCJaJhMGh&CJaJh1CJaJhMGhx ACJaJhMGhQl5CJaJhMGhW 5CJaJhU 5CJaJhMGhx A5CJaJhMGh\p5CJaJ hW hQlhQlCJ$aJ$hQlhQlCJ$aJ$hQlhW CJaJh\h\CJ8aJ8h\hojpCJ8aJ8hU CJ8aJ8h\hQlCJ8aJ8h\phW CJaJBiy  O h E3I: dgdU dgdM- [$\$gd,dgdW dgdMGdgdx A $da$gdx A$a$gdW $a$gdQlgd Ux y    B V W h i  ' N O P R Y Z øà|_B_|Θ9h :~h :~0J5B*CJ^JaJfHph333q 9h :~hG%0J5B*CJ^JaJfHph333q h :~h\p5CJ^JaJh :~hG%5CJ^JaJhG%CJaJhG%hG%5CJaJhMGhW CJH*aJhMGhW CJaJhMGh\pCJaJh1CJaJh :~CJaJhMGhx ACJaJhMGhMG5CJaJhMGhSCJaJZ b c j ~  [ \ g i k r s { } BCEFHQucuuuXhMGhrCJaJ#h :~h,5CJOJQJ^JaJhU CJOJQJ^JaJ h :~h,CJOJQJ^JaJhMGhoCJaJhMGh"6CJaJhMGhW CJH*aJhMGhW CJaJh1CJaJhMGhyzCJaJhMGh\pCJH*aJhU CJaJhMGh\pCJaJhG%h\p5CJaJ;DFLZ[\degopvw23GHISUݺݲ󞪲蓲sg[[[hU hU CJH*aJhMGhyz5CJaJhMGhyz5CJaJhMGhW 5CJaJhMGCJaJhMGh,CJaJh,h15CJaJh1CJaJhU CJaJhMGhrCJH*aJhMGhW CJH*aJhMGhW CJaJhMGhrCJaJhMGhyzCJaJh,hyz5CJaJ#DFGIRShikt;@DEGNOP^eiĹıĥĹ빕ĊhU hU CJaJhyh(CJaJhzCJaJhyCJaJhyhU CJH*aJhyCJaJhyhyCJaJhyhU CJaJhU hU 5CJaJhzCJaJh \CJaJhU CJaJhU hU CJH*aJ):;DShD d^` gdU dgdW z+p,p-p.p1h/R 4567:pW / =!"#$%  s666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ OJPJQJ_HmH nH sH tH J`J nPNormal dCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRiR 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k ( 0No List h>@h QlTitled,POm$)@B*CJ4KHOJPJQJ^JaJ4ph6]V/V Ql Title Char)@B*CJ4KHOJPJQJ^JaJ4ph6]*W`* G%`Strong5\\^@"\ ,0 Normal (Web)ddd[$\$CJOJPJQJaJPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭Vc:E3v@P~Ds |w< "x Z  : L# @0(  B S  ?< ?  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